OpenSSL 3.3 Series Release Notes

OpenSSL 3.3 Series Release Notes

The major changes and known issues for the 3.3 branch of the OpenSSL toolkit are summarised below. The contents reflect the current state of the NEWS file inside the git repository.

More details can be found in the ChangeLog.

Major changes between OpenSSL 3.3.1 and OpenSSL 3.3.2 [3 Sep 2024]

OpenSSL 3.3.2 is a security patch release. The most severe CVE fixed in this release is Moderate.

This release incorporates the following bug fixes and mitigations:

  • Fixed possible denial of service in X.509 name checks ([CVE-2024-6119])
  • Fixed possible buffer overread in SSL_select_next_proto() ([CVE-2024-5535])

Major changes between OpenSSL 3.3.0 and OpenSSL 3.3.1 [4 Jun 2024]

OpenSSL 3.3.1 is a security patch release. The most severe CVE fixed in this release is Low.

This release incorporates the following bug fixes and mitigations:

  • Fixed potential use after free after SSL_free_buffers() is called ([CVE-2024-4741])
  • Fixed an issue where checking excessively long DSA keys or parameters may be very slow ([CVE-2024-4603])

Major changes between OpenSSL 3.2 and OpenSSL 3.3.0 [9 Apr 2024]

This release adds the following new features:

  • Support for qlog for tracing QUIC connections has been added
  • Added APIs to allow configuring the negotiated idle timeout for QUIC connections, and to allow determining the number of additional streams that can currently be created for a QUIC connection.
  • Added APIs to allow disabling implicit QUIC event processing for QUIC SSL objects
  • Added APIs to allow querying the size and utilisation of a QUIC stream’s write buffer
  • New API `SSL_write_ex2`, which can be used to send an end-of-stream (FIN) condition in an optimised way when using QUIC.
  • Limited support for polling of QUIC connection and stream objects in a non-blocking manner.
  • Added a new EVP_DigestSqueeze() API. This allows SHAKE to squeeze multiple times with different output sizes.
  • Added exporter for CMake on Unix and Windows, alongside the pkg-config exporter.
  • The BLAKE2s hash algorithm matches BLAKE2b’s support for configurable output length.
  • The EVP_PKEY_fromdata function has been augmented to allow for the derivation of CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem) parameters when requested
  • Added API functions SSL_SESSION_get_time_ex(), SSL_SESSION_set_time_ex() using time_t which is Y2038 safe on 32 bit systems when 64 bit time is enabled
  • Unknown entries in TLS SignatureAlgorithms, ClientSignatureAlgorithms config options and the respective calls to SSL[_CTX]_set1_sigalgs() and SSL[_CTX]_set1_client_sigalgs() that start with `?` character are ignored and the configuration will still be used.
  • Added `-set_issuer` and `-set_subject` options to `openssl x509` to override the Issuer and Subject when creating a certificate. The `-subj` option now is an alias for `-set_subject`.
  • Added several new features of CMPv3 defined in RFC 9480 and RFC 9483
  • New option `SSL_OP_PREFER_NO_DHE_KEX`, which allows configuring a TLS1.3 server to prefer session resumption using PSK-only key exchange over PSK with DHE, if both are available.
  • New atexit configuration switch, which controls whether the OPENSSL_cleanup is registered when libcrypto is unloaded.
  • Added X509_STORE_get1_objects to avoid issues with the existing X509_STORE_get0_objects API in multi-threaded applications. This release incorporates the following potentially significant or incompatible changes:
  • Applied AES-GCM unroll8 optimisation to Microsoft Azure Cobalt 100
  • Optimized AES-CTR for ARM Neoverse V1 and V2
  • Enable AES and SHA3 optimisations on Applie Silicon M3-based MacOS systems similar to M1/M2.
  • Various optimizations for cryptographic routines using RISC-V vector crypto extensions
  • Added assembly implementation for md5 on loongarch64
  • Accept longer context for TLS 1.2 exporters
  • The activate and soft_load configuration settings for providers in openssl.cnf have been updated to require a value of [1|yes|true|on] (in lower or UPPER case) to enable the setting. Conversely a value of [0|no|false|off] will disable the setting.
  • In `openssl speed`, changed the default hash function used with `hmac` from `md5` to `sha256`.
  • The `-verify` option to the `openssl crl` and `openssl req` will make the program exit with 1 on failure.
  • The d2i_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME(), d2i_ASN1_UTCTIME(), ASN1_TIME_check(), and related functions have been augmented to check for a minimum length of the input string, in accordance with ITU-T X.690 section 11.7 and 11.8.
  • OPENSSL_sk_push() and sk__push() functions now return 0 instead of -1 if called with a NULL stack argument.
  • New limit on HTTP response headers is introduced to HTTP client. The default limit is set to 256 header lines. This release incorporates the following bug fixes and mitigations:
  • The BIO_get_new_index() function can only be called 127 times before it reaches its upper bound of BIO_TYPE_MASK and will now return -1 once its exhausted. A more detailed list of changes in this release can be found in the [] file. Users interested in using the new QUIC functionality are encouraged to read the [README file for QUIC][], which provides links to relevant documentation and example code. As always, bug reports and issues relating to OpenSSL can be [filed on our issue tracker][issue tracker]. release is Low. This release incorporates the following bug fixes and mitigations:
  • Fixed unbounded memory growth with session handling in TLSv1.3 ([CVE-2024-2511])