Design Process Policy
The objective of the design process is to increase the quality of the software engineering process. The production of design documents confers the following benefits:
Prior to implementation, the present understanding of the problem domain is documented in a readily accessible fashion. The understanding of other OpenSSL contributors is enhanced, as is their ability to identify any potential issues in the design, or to make related code contributions.
After implementation, the design document serves as documentation of the architectural and design decisions and rationale which served as the basis for the implementation of the relevant functionality. This is beneficial both to contributors who wish to understand the relevant code, or evolve the implementation, but also to contributors who wish to implement related functionality or understand non-obvious rationales behind given design decisions.
It is recognised that designs will often necessarily change once implementation begins. In the majority of cases, the understanding of the problem domain will evolve and improve after implementation begins and this will indicate further changes to the design. This is an iterative process of progressive refinement. It is an explicit objective of this policy to support and encourage this agile-style process, as opposed to a waterfall-style process in which designs must be approved and finalised prior to implementation.
This policy adopts a graded system of review in which the degree of formal approval by the OTC which a design must undergo is proportionate to the scope and risks of the design. For example, a design which involves new or evolved public APIs may require a greater amount of scrutiny, whereas a purely internal design may require that the OTC simply be notified of the design document and invited to comment, with implicit approval in the absence of objections.
Requirement for Design Documents
A design document is required for any proposed enhancement which adds significant new APIs or non-trivially evolves or modifies existing APIs. A design document is also required for all feature branches.
For any other kind of proposed enhancement, a design document should be created if it incorporates design decisions or aspects significant enough to warrant one. For example, if an enhancement adds a new internal module with clearly delineated boundaries with a documented internal API which can be consumed by other code internal to OpenSSL, a design document is desirable. This example is not exhaustive. The proposer may use their discretion in determining whether a design document is desirable, but any OTC member may require that a design document be produced.
Contents of Design Documents
In general, where produced, a design document should include discussion of:
Requirements and assumptions, in particular:
the requirements that the design is seeking to meet;
anything which is expressly not a requirement;
the origins or underlying motivations of those requirements (or non-requirements) in turn (for example, do the requirements originate from the OMC or are they themselves a product of other technical requirements?);
significant assumptions or limitations of scope being made as part of the design (which might cause a design to become suboptimal or inapplicable if those assumptions cease to be true) as a result of the input requirements.
The available solution space; discuss the various possible solutions and provide narrative discussion of their relative merits, and the reasoning for any preferences. Which solutions are preferable and why? Which solutions are ruled out based on the requirements and why?
The proposed design. Alternatively, a design document may propose a couple of possible designs (for example, if it is not yet clear which is preferable, or if multiple essentially independent designs will be needed to cover all use cases). If multiple proposals are present, they should be clearly labeled in different sections so they can be referred to easily for discussion.
What the intended strategy is for how any new APIs being introduced can be effectively maintained, evolved and extended in the future, if at all.
In some cases, it may be appropriate to offer examples of motivating use cases for the design (given in prose) or examples of intended exemplary usage of an API, given as rough code fragments or pseudocode.
More generally, it is sometimes also useful to provide exposition for the motivations behind a design by offering a Q&A section posing design questions and their answers with rationale. This has the advantage of documenting the historical design decisions which were made and why, and makes it clear when a significant decision is being made. Some questions may be left unanswered in a design document which is not yet complete, which serves to document design questions which have yet to be resolved.
This is not an exhaustive list and design documents will obviously contain other elements, such as discussion of the design itself.
Based on the above, the recommended template for a design document is as follows:
Requirements/Problem Statement
Problem Discussion
Proposal 1
API Maintenance Considerations
[...Proposal 2, if applicable, etc...]
[...API Maintenance Considerations...]
Motivating Use Cases
Usage Examples
This template is intended as a rough starting point only. Not all of its sections will be relevant to all design documents, and design document authors can and should deviate from this structure where this leads to a more comprehensible or useful document.
Levels of Scrutiny
There are three levels of scrutiny which can be applied to a design, listed below in ascending order of severity:
- Notify
- Present
- Approve
These levels work as follows:
At the Notify level, the OTC is notified of a new design when it is available for review, via an email to the openssl-project mailing list. OTC members and committers and the public can review and comment on the design. A minimum waiting time of one week after the notification is made applies to ensure OTC members have the opportunity to review the design.
The notification does not need to be made by the author of the design document.
At the Present level, the OTC is notified of a new design in the same way that it is at the Notify level. The same minimum waiting time applies. The design is also introduced and explained in a presentation given to the OTC in a meeting of the OTC. The OTC has opportunities to ask questions and raise concerns at this meeting. This presentation may be given by the author of the design but need not be.
At the Approve level, the OTC must explicitly approve the design by making a decision as the OTC. The OTC should be notified of a new design in the same way they are notified at the Notify level. A presentation to the OTC may be made but is not required.
When a design is produced, it should be submitted to the OpenSSL repository as a PR. It should be determined which level of scrutiny is appropriate according to this policy and this should be noted in the PR. Any applicable actions (such as notifying the OTC via the openssl-project list) should be carried out once the design is ready for review.
Any OTC member may object to the processing of a design at a given level of scrutiny and require that a higher level be used.
A proposer may choose to use a higher level of scrutiny than is required.
Selecting a Level
To determine the level of scrutiny which must be applied to a design by default, follow the following process:
Any design which proposes to create significant new public APIs, or non-trivially evolve or modify existing public APIs, must use at least the Present level of scrutiny.
Any other design may use the Notify level of scrutiny.
Checklist for the Notify Level
- Design document published as a PR on GitHub
- OTC notified and invited to comment or object via an email to openssl-project list
- At least one week has passed from OTC notification
Checklist for the Present Level
- Design document published as a PR on GitHub
- OTC notified and invited to comment or object via an email to openssl-project list
- Presentation given to a quorate OTC meeting by the design’s proposer, and OTC has had opportunity to ask questions and discuss the proposal
- At least one week has passed from OTC notification
Checklist for the Approve Level
- Design document published as a PR on GitHub
- OTC makes a decision approving the design. The decision is made according to standard OTC policies.
It is not required to wait for a design document to be approved and merged before beginning implementation. Implementation can begin immediately. This facilitates an agile process and helps to improve the design document, as implementation will often lead to an improved understanding of the problem domain, leading in turn to an improved design document.
A design document PR, or a PR implementing said design, should not be merged until the relevant requirements for the level of scrutiny used have been satisfied. It is permissible for a design document and an implementation to be part of the same PR.
Revisions to Pending Designs
Where changes to a design document need to be made (for example, due to an evolved understanding of the problem domain arising from an implementation in progress), if the design document has already been merged, a new PR should be raised and this will go through the normal process described above.
If the design document has not yet merged:
if the Notify or Present level of scrutiny is being used, it may be changed by the proposer freely. Another notification to the openssl-project list may be made if the changes are deemed very major but is not required.
if the Approve level of scrutiny is being used, and the approval has already been finalised or a vote is ongoing, the design should not be changed and a new PR should be raised. The document may be changed freely if it has been decided that the Approve level of scrutiny is to be used but a vote has not yet opened.